Breast asymmetry exists when there is a difference in form, position, size, and volume between breasts. Also common is an obvious difference in nipple and areola location. Generally, size and volume disparities that require surgical correction are of a cup size or more. Dissimilarity in breast size can result from various reasons: age, hormonal changes, developmental abnormalities, or pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At Lind Plastic surgery, we perform breast asymmetry correction surgeries in Houston to help balance the shape and size of the breasts. Unbalanced breasts can cause self-consciousness and make it hard to find bras and tops that fit correctly. 

Female with hands on her hips

What is a breast asymmetry correction?

A breast asymmetry correction is complex and demands a well-seasoned plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgeries. During the procedure, the surgeon will balance out the size of the breasts, sometimes by utilizing an implant or fat grafting if the extra volume is needed in one breast. If desired, the size of both breasts can be reduced. Then, a breast lift is performed to ensure that both breasts sit at an appropriate position on the chest.

Am I a candidate for this procedure?

If you are bothered by crooked nipples or unevenly placed breasts and aren’t interested in breast augmentation, a breast asymmetry correction could be right for you. To be considered for surgery, your breasts should be fully developed. You should also be in good health and be a non-smoker. Please inform Dr. Lind if you plan to become pregnant or lose a significant amount of weight in the near future.

During your in-depth consultation with Dr. Lind, he will carefully listen to your aesthetic goals and review your breast positioning and your medical history. Dr. Lind will listen to your expectations and make sure they are realistic. He strives to achieve a natural look and will only move forward with the breast asymmetry correction procedure if he is confident the results will satisfy the patient.

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Soreness, swelling, and bruising are to be expected after the procedure. Dr. Lind will develop a tailored recovery plan for you after your breast asymmetry correction surgery in Houston. You will also be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medication to keep discomfort low as you heal. A support bandage or support bra will be required for a few weeks.

You can expect to return to office work and social activities in about a week. Do not lift anything heavy or engage in vigorous exercise for about 4-6 weeks or until cleared by Dr. Lind. Light walks are recommended to aid blood circulation and encourage faster healing.


Scars are a part of any invasive cosmetic surgery. Throughout his career, Dr. Lind has developed specific techniques to minimize scarring. Scars will fade over time, and a variety of non-surgical solutions that Lind Plastic Surgery offers, like chemical peels and laser treatments, can significantly reduce the visibility of scars.

Expertise you can trust

Dr. Lind is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who practices in Houston, Spring, and The Woodlands, TX. One of his specialties is breast surgery, and he has significant experience in corrective and revisional procedures. Dr. Lind conducts each surgery in a fully-accredited surgical suite where patient safety and comfort are the utmost priority.

Dr. Lind completed surgical training at two of the nation’s top-tier hospitals, Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Temple, Texas. He underwent a rigorous 3-year plastic surgery fellowship at the esteemed Cleveland Clinic in Florida. Dr. Lind won the Cleveland Clinic Florida Caregiver Celebrations Appreciation Award for exceptional patient care. He also received the J. Brian Boyd Academic Achievement Award for outstanding academic performance twice. Contact Lind Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I breastfeed after a breast asymmetry correction?

Should I get a breast asymmetry correction if I have dents or blemishes on one breast?

Does insurance cover breast asymmetry corrections?

Can I breastfeed after a breast asymmetry correction?

Yes, it is possible to breastfeed after a breast asymmetry correction. However, some women experience decreased nipple sensation, which may affect the reflex that triggers milk flow. It is important to let Dr. Lind know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you plan to become pregnant or breastfeed in the near future.

Should I get a breast asymmetry correction if I have dents or blemishes on one breast?

For minor imperfections, fat grafting could be a more appropriate solution. Fat grafting uses fat from another part of the body to add volume or smooth minor imperfections in the breasts, and is a less invasive procedure than a breast asymmetry correction; fat grafting also requires less recovery time.

Does insurance cover breast asymmetry corrections?

In most cases, a breast asymmetry correction is considered an elective procedure for aesthetic purposes and is not covered by medical insurance. However, Lind Plastic Surgery offers various financing options to ensure every patient can access the treatments they deserve.

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